World Energy Trilemma Index 2024

Now in its 15th edition, the World Energy Council’s World Energy Trilemma Report 2024 places significant emphasis on signals from interviews and workshops with experts in the Council’s worldwide community across more than 100 countries. These experts have utilised the Trilemma Framework to delve into the implications of post-pandemic recovery and the war in Ukraine within specific regions across the world. Special emphasis is placed on managing trade-offs among the dimensions of energy security, equity, and sustainability. These regional reports not only highlight challenges and opportunities but also the examine the effects of recent crises on energy systems and the strategic responses to address them.

Download the TRILEMMA report from here.

Missioon ja eesmärgid

Maailma Energeetikanõukogu Eesti Rahvuskomitee missiooniks on luua rahvusvahelisele koostööle tuginev teaduspõhine keskkond jätkusuutlikku energeetika kujundamiseks Eestis.

WEC ja Eesti ajalugu

Eesti võeti vastu WEC-i liikmeks 29. juunil 1937.aastal Pariisis. Eestit esindas Rahvuslik Jõukomitee eesotsas direktor J. Veeruse ja professor P. Kogermaniga.


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