World Energy Trilemma Index 2017

The World Energy Council’s definition of energy sustainability is based on three core dimensions: energy security, energy equity, and environmental sustainability. Balancing these three goals constitutes a ‘trilemma’ and is the basis for prosperity and competitiveness of individual countries.

The 2017 Energy Trilemma Index reveals signs of progress on all dimensions of the Energy Trilemma. Eight of the 125 countries assessed achieved a triple-A score, down from 13 in last year’s index. Efforts to increase resource productivity and manage energy demand growth will be key in ensuring a balanced Energy Trilemma.

Among the countries included in the Index, access to electricity and clean cooking have both increased by 7% to 87% and 75%, respectively since 2000.  A more diversified and low-carbon energy mix will help to improve energy security and environmental sustainability, but its positive effects may be stifled by rising final energy consumption, which is predicted to increase by up to 46% by 2060.

The Energy Trilemma Index, produced in partnership with global management consultancy Oliver Wyman, along with the Global Risk Centre of its parent Marsh & McLennan Companies, provides a tool that enables users to readily access the country as well as regional profiles contained in the report.

The interactive tool to consult the data can be accessed at

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World Energy Trilemma Index 2017 Executive Summary World Energy Trilemma Index 2017 Full report

Missioon ja eesmärgid

Maailma Energeetikanõukogu Eesti Rahvuskomitee missiooniks on luua rahvusvahelisele koostööle tuginev teaduspõhine keskkond jätkusuutlikku energeetika kujundamiseks Eestis.

WEC ja Eesti ajalugu

Eesti võeti vastu WEC-i liikmeks 29. juunil 1937.aastal Pariisis. Eestit esindas Rahvuslik Jõukomitee eesotsas direktor J. Veeruse ja professor P. Kogermaniga.


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