World Energy Congress toimub Rotterdamis, 22-25 aprill 2024. Registreerimine avatud!

The 26th World Energy Congress is a critical turning point for leadership on clean and inclusive energy transitions worldwide and an opportunity to spring forward in redesigning energy for people and planet.

“Against a backdrop of new energy insecurity concerns and the increasing damages that climate change is inflicting on the Earth’s natural life support system, it is neither easy nor enough to translate net zero roadmaps into reality. It is important to develop a shared and deeper understanding of the role of increasingly diverse energy systems in enabling a safe operating space for humanity. It is urgent to involve more people and communities and identify leading practices in inclusive implementation. The best way forward is to support diverse regions in leading with and learning from each other and appreciate the diversity of place-based, clean and just energy transitions.”

Dr Angela Wilkinson, Secretary General and CEO, World Energy Council

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Missioon ja eesmärgid

Maailma Energeetikanõukogu Eesti Rahvuskomitee missiooniks on luua rahvusvahelisele koostööle tuginev teaduspõhine keskkond jätkusuutlikku energeetika kujundamiseks Eestis.

WEC ja Eesti ajalugu

Eesti võeti vastu WEC-i liikmeks 29. juunil 1937.aastal Pariisis. Eestit esindas Rahvuslik Jõukomitee eesotsas direktor J. Veeruse ja professor P. Kogermaniga.


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