The World's Energy Agenda & Its Evolution

In an era where the energy landscape is in constant transition, energy leaders must pay attention to many different signals of change and distinguish key issues from the noise. The Issues Monitor identifies shifting patterns of connected issues which are shaping energy transitions.
This report takes a focused look at the issues facing the energy transition in Europe, using data collected by surveying over 40 leaders and shapers representing the European Transmission and Distributors Operators. This Issues Monitor outlines clear Action Priorities and Critical Uncertainties for different stakeholder groups, mapping them out intuitively to promote a shared understanding of the issues. These maps also help identifiy regional variations, understand differing areas of concern as well as follow the evolution of specific technology trends.
Produced in partnership with ENTSO-E and E.DSO.

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The World's Energy Agenda and Its Evolution

Missioon ja eesmärgid

Maailma Energeetikanõukogu Eesti Rahvuskomitee missiooniks on luua rahvusvahelisele koostööle tuginev teaduspõhine keskkond jätkusuutlikku energeetika kujundamiseks Eestis.

WEC ja Eesti ajalugu

Eesti võeti vastu WEC-i liikmeks 29. juunil 1937.aastal Pariisis. Eestit esindas Rahvuslik Jõukomitee eesotsas direktor J. Veeruse ja professor P. Kogermaniga.


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